Community Impact and Financials

Goodwill starts with you when you shop at and donate to your local Goodwill Industries of North Central Wisconsin.

Together we make a life-changing impact on the people we serve through our mission of Elevating People by Eliminating Barriers to Employment.


2023 Community Impact

Pounds of Donations Icon

35 million pounds


You’ve helped divert more than 35 million pounds of donations from landfills. Every donation provided on average four hours of job training and opportunities helping individuals enhance their dignity and quality of life.

On-the-Job Training

Your support provided program participants 96,206 hours of on-the-job training in your local Goodwill NCW stores and in our community.

People Served Icon

56,485 served

People Served

Because of your support, we were able to serve 56,485 people in our work, financial and community-focused programs offered.

Some people may have been served across multiple programs.

GoodNeighbor Community Assistance

Through our GoodNeighbor program, we provided more than $810,000 in merchandise to people in need through our partner agencies.

We change lives across north central Wisconsin and it all starts with you!

Impact Video 1
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Our Financials

We take managing your donations seriously to ensure we are being good stewards of our communities’ resources. We work hard to consistently receive the highest grades available for accountability and transparency from reputable and respected third-party nonprofit organizations.

The work we do to help individuals achieve their full potential through skill building and the power of meaningful work makes a difference and we are proud of the impact we make on the people and communities we serve. But you don’t have to just take our word for it. Check out what industry experts who rank us have to say about our organization.