Goodwill NCW offers financial wellness services to help you with your finances. We offer personal and bankruptcy counseling, practical budgeting guidance and help navigate student loans. Our services are tailored to your unique situation.

Our financial counselors can also help you in recovering from job loss or divorce, understanding your credit score or dealing with the unexpected in life. We understand that financial wellness is a journey, but you are not alone. We can help you achieve your goals and dreams.

Financial Wellness Services

financial wellness counseling services Icon


We offer free financial consultation to help understand your unique situation and find a solution for you.

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We offer regularly scheduled workshops with practical tips to make of most of your money. 

Bankruptcy Education Icon


If you have explored other options and have decided to proceed with filing, we can help you. 

Three years ago, we were $20,000 in debt. Now we are debt free. Your money management class was great. We are still using the spending plan worksheet. Thank you for caring for us. Your money ideas work.


Financial Wellness Services - Council on Accreditation

Financial Wellness Services NFCC Icon

Financial Wellness Services United Way Sponsor Icon