Become a Sponsor

The Miracle League of the Chippewa Valley is preparing for its upcoming baseball season. Please consider supporting the league as a sponsor.

  • Team Sponsor
    • $600/season = sponsor’s logo will be on the back of a team uniform
  • Fence Sponsor
    • $400/season = sponsor logo will be on 3’x5′ banner affixed to the outfield fence for the entire season
      • $300/season renewal for next two seasons, 3-year expected life of banner
  • Volunteer/Buddy T-shirt Sponsor
    • $400/season = sponsor’s logo will be on the back of all volunteer T-shirts
  • Medal Sponsor
    • $250/season = company will hand out medals during championship week
  • Program Sponsor
    • $450/season = sponsor’s logo will be on the back cover of the program
  • All-Meet Sponsor
    • $500/season = sponsor logo will be on signage at event and in the season program
  • Print Sponsor
    • $350/season = sponsor name will be listed on all league print materials
  • Picnic Table Sponsor
    • $550 = your family/sponsor name will be engraved on NEW wooden picnic tables at the ML field
  • Retiring Trophy Sponsor
    • $275/season = sponsor logo engraved on wooden baseball trophy

JOIN OUR TEAM! All sponsors are acknowledged in the Miracle League of the Chippewa Valley season program, with 375 programs handed out each summer. 

Sponsors are announced at every game, and your business/organization name/logo will be on our Miracle League of the Chippewa Valley website with a link to their site. During the season, we also host a “sponsor week” giving you the opportunity to receive on-field recognition. 

Our player’s families are not expected to fundraise; your generous sponsorship fees help to offset the operational costs of the league. If you are interested in joining our team, or have any questions regarding sponsorships, please contact program leader, Amy Standiford at [email protected] or 715-271-8667.