Miracle League of the Lakeshore

A special league for special kids 

The Miracle League of the Lakeshore, a program of Goodwill NCW, gives children with disabilities the opportunity to play baseball at an accessible facility while building relationships, engaging socially with others and learning important life skills.

Games are played at the fully accessible Goodwill Field of Dreams at Miracles Park (formerly Dewey Street Park) in Manitowoc, Wis. Games are Monday, Wednesday and Thursday nights.

The mission of the league: Every child deserves the chance to play baseball.


Your financial gifts supports the Miracle League of the Lakeshore. 


Watch a game night in action. 


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Contact us. 

An integral part of the Lakeshore

  • Players: Build relationships, boost their esteem and learn valuable skills in teamwork, communication and social engagement. They have a league and field to call their own. 
  • Families: Find a network of accepting parents and new friends who share a common goal where their child’s abilities are celebrated. 
  • Community Volunteers (13 and older): Receive a meaningful opportunity to share their time and talents, opening doors to advocacy and acceptance.