Personal Skills

Personal skills from skills to build are all about people. Whether you’re improving your communication or learning how to interact with others, these skills can empower you for success in the workplace and personal life.


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Goodwill Works



The Goodwill Works curriculum is a tool to help people access opportunity.  The curriculum offers a comprehensive approach to successful training, employment and improved quality of life. Individual, family and organizational success depends on the ability to adapt to the challenges of daily life.


Goodwill Works is instructor-led and can be taught one-on-one or in group settings, depending on your preferred method of learning.

  • Evaluate your own attitudes
  • Identify ways to change
  • Demonstrate actions that show a positive work attitude
  • Respond to negative attitudes of others
Developing Your Decision-Making Skills
  • Recognize problems or decisions that need to be made
  • Identify how and why we avoid making decisions
  • Use a process to decide on solutions
  • Learn from decisions made
  • Use decision-making to reach goals


  • Identify behaviors that show dependability
  • Describe strategies for good attendance
  • Describe strategies for being on time
  • Do the right thing when you are late or absent
  • Follow directions
  • Explain why dependability matters


  • Define ethics
  • Explain why you should behave ethically in your personal life and in the workplace
  • Explain the potential consequences of unethical behavior
  • Describe the decision-making process that can help you make ethical decisions
  • Apply the decision-making process to ethical dilemmas in the workplace


  • Understand your motivation style
  • Recognize the importance of setting goals and how this contributes to success
  • Learn how to identify personal goals and how to stay motivated to achieve these goals


  • Define self-advocacy
  • Review strategies for self-advocacy
  • Practice advocating for something you need 


  • The learners will identify the components of a SMART goal, how to create SMART goals, and the importance of using SMART goals. 

Social Interactions

  • Recognize the value of good relationships
  • Identify ways to show and gain respect
  • Demonstrate ways to build relationships
  • Identify negative social behaviors
  • Identify non-verbal messages
  • Interpret others’ communication
  • Discuss cell phone and social media etiquette

Stress Management

  • Recognize stress and its impact
  • Define stress and its management
  • Analyze causes of stress and your reactions
  • Identify ways to use key stress and anger management strategies

Time Management

  • Recognize the value of good time management
  • Investigate how you are using your time
  • Understand how to track how you use your time
  • Identify how good time management is important to meeting your goals